Thursday, May 1, 2008


Ever have one of those days that you are just not in the mood? Not in the mood for anything? That is my day today. I am a G - R - O - U - C - H with a capital G!!
I was so not in the mood for William to wake me just before 6 am. Then I was not in the mood for all 3 kids to come in and wake me at 7:10. Obviously I did not get my minimum 8 hours of sleep last nite. I am not in the mood to clean, not in the mood to do dishes, laundry, get ready for my yard sale on Saturday, or anything else. And I am most definitely not in the mood for whiny, arguing, squabbling children! But, unfortunately ,they are definitely IN the mood for that! Isn't it nap time yet? And to top it all off - it snowed last nite!! Why can't it just be beautiful, sunny spring?!! What is wrong with you Mother Nature?!
But what I am in the mood for is sitting here at my computer, doing many mindless things, wasting my day (when I really should be doing SO many other things!). I am also most definitely in the mood for chocolate!! I just have to make sure I am sneaky so the kids don't find out - then I'd have to share - I know, selfish of me. But that is my day so far.
Maybe now that I have vented a little here, I can get in the mood for something more productive.


Little Mama said...

If I lived closer, I would have shared my chocolate with you today! I started my day with three pieces and have managed to stay away from it since about 10 am. However, I have chocolate on the brain now! he-he

Rachel Holloway said...

Maybe you just need a phone call from me....okay, probably not...but I am going to call you anyway! :)